Robust case kit for the Pinecil - Everything neatly and perfectly packaged


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: blink237442
Product information "Robust case kit for the Pinecil - Everything neatly and perfectly packaged"
Looking for the perfect case for your Pinecil? Then you've come to the right place. With this chic 3D-printed case you can store your Pinecil and lots of accessories. The box offers space for the soldering iron, the cable, two soldering tips (even the long ones), brass sponge and even a soldering iron holder. That's right: in the picture the part with the ball bearing can simply be used as a soldering iron holder. Just make sure you put the soldering iron in completely. From the outside, the part is absolutely robust and can be closed quickly and securely with two buckles. Translated with (free version)

The case comes as a kit. However, you don't need many tools or skills and can assemble it yourself very easily. Note: The case is sold without contents. So without cables, Pinecil and co. (the scope of delivery is described below).

Scope of delivery

Note: The case is sold without contents. So without cables, Pinecil and co. The following scope of delivery is included in the kit:

  • Six 3D-printed parts made of PLA (two inner shells, two outer shells and the buckles).
  • One 3D printed part made of ABS for the soldering iron holder
  • One metal sponge
  • A ball bearing
  • All the necessary nuts and bolts to assemble the case

3D print

The template for the 3D print is from PjotrStrog and originates from Termiman. The wonderful Rugged Boxes von Whity were used. The three of them have given me permission to offer the great case here in the shop for you. Be sure to check out the makers or print out the case or a box yourself. It's worth it!

We only use high-quality materials for our 3D printing. The outer case is printed with colourFabb Vertigo Star Night (PLA). The inner parts and closures with colorFabb Dutch Orange (PLA). The soldering iron holder is made of robust and heat-resistant ABS.

Tools needed

You don't need much for the assembly. Only a hexagonal spanner. Only 7 screws need to be tightened and the case is ready for your Pinecil.


A word about the licence: The Pinecil Case is published under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This actually means that the case cannot be sold here in the shop. However, I have received permission and a special licence from the makers. Please honour the licence if you adapt or improve the case.
Build Time: 20-40 Minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Manual and iteractive board:
Target group: Children, Grownup, Nerd

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1 March 2024 07:31

Super Qualität

Ich habe dieses Case schon zwei mal bestellt und die Box wurde sogar weiterentwickelt. Die Qualtiät und wie durchdacht diese ist, ist echt super. Preislich finde ich die Box auch in Ordnung. Mittlerweile möchte ich noch mehr kaufen um auch andere Utensilien lagern zu können. Wäre super, wenn man noch weitere Inlays kaufen könnte :)

4 November 2023 15:33

Hervorragende Qualität des Pinecil Case

Mit welchem 3D-Drucker, Filament und Druck-Einstellungen (Düse, Layerhöhe) wurden die Case-Teile gedruckt? Ich finde die Qualität nämlich hervorragend. Danke im Voraus!

Our feedback: Hallo, danke für das tolle Feedback! Gedruckt wurde das Case mit einem Prusa MK3s oder MK4 (wir haben beide im Einsatz). Das Filament für die Außenschale: Galaxy Black PLA von Prusa. Das Innenteil: Dutch Orange PLA von Colorfabb Die verwendete Düse 0,4mm. Layerhöhe 0,2mm. Grüße Timo

12 October 2023 12:50

Tolles Case für alle, die (noch) keinen 3D-Drucker haben

Dank einem Post auf bin ich auf dieses Case gestoßen und dachte schon, ich müsste mir das aufwendig besorgen bis ich auf dieses Angebot gestoßen bin. Vielen Dank für den extrem schnellen Versand sowie den sauberen Druck, passt alles! Freue mich das Case mobil zu nutzen!

31 August 2023 16:04

Praktisches Gehäuse

Zum Kit hatte ich auch dieses Gehäuse bestellt für sortiertere und geschütztere Aufbewahrung des Pinecils. Bin sehr zufrieden!

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